
The Who, What and Why

Jack Barber

Jack Barber

Founder & Developer

I'm a self-employed web developer based in Whitby, North Yorkshire. I'm married to Megan and we have 4 children. Alongside work I'm currently studying on the Crosslands Seminary programme.

Helping Small Churches

Plan, Create and Share Online Services

Using the drag and drop editor resources from across the internet can be assembled together into a coherent and easy to follow online church service.

Embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo (including live feeds), share songs or testimonials. Include text such as notices, prayers and readings. Link to other resources such as websites, articles or even Zoom meetings.

Once created, services can be shared using the unique URL each one is assigned via email or social media.

Built During the COVID-19 Outbreak

To Help Churches Share Teaching, Praise and Prayer

Many countries around the world are struggling to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result the opprtunity for individual citizens to meet together in person has been severely limited.

This tool provides a way for church families to join together and share in teaching, praise and prayer. Many smaller churches simply do not have the capacity to live stream full services - but their members still want to encourage one another.

I hope churchserviceplanner.co.uk will prove to be a valuable tool for the encouragement and edification of God's people during this time, and beyond.

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